Sunday, July 29, 2012

Weekend Update

Went to Yuma to visit the in-laws for the weekend and between Saturday and tonight, we got another 0.26" of rain, with the bulk of it yesterday night; tonight's top winds were 18 mph and we just missed a major dust storm that hit about an hour after we passed through Maricopa.  Speaking of Maricopa, I stopped along the highway just west of town where there was a row of wild sunflowers about 40' long beside a ditch and collected some seed heads; my wife thought I was crazy to stop, but I'd seen them on our way to Yuma and was determined to stop on the return trip.  I got 4-5 dozen seeds for my efforts and will plant some in the morning to see if they'll sprout.

I harvested the first sunflower seed head from the front yard on Friday morning and it was 7.5" across; not bad for a 6' plant, but the one on the 8' Mammoth looks like it'll be at least 10" across when I harvest it in a couple of weeks.  I put the seed head in the feeder for the doves and in the morning I'll check to see if they've eaten all the seeds yet.

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