Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Update on seedling greenhouse, etcetera

Saw him on my lunch rounds yesterday

The weather has been running hot and cold lately and since the greenhouse isn't heated, I think that's what delayed the sprouting of the tomatoes and peppers.  The tomatoes are now coming up with a vengeance and I think I'll have some extras for the Seed and Plant Swap next month, but the peppers are still being reticent and only grudgingly sprouting within the last few days.  Warmer weather is forecast for the next week, so hopefully that will spur everything to action.

I bought 3 blueberry plants at WalMart today and I was surprised they had any, since two weeks ago all the store were sold out.  Also went to Home Depot and bought the materials for the next raised bed, as I'll be needing it for transplants soon enough.  We got about 1/3" of rain over the weekend, so it should be easier to finish digging the post holes for the grape trellis and the planting holes for the grapevines.

The bulbs continue to come up and some of the daffodils look like they'll be blooming soon, just wish I could find something to keep the cats from using the beds as their potty.  Orange peel hasn't worked as advertised, so mothballs may be next.

The roses are getting ready to bloom, in fact one already has and either I grabbed the wrong plant or it was mismarked, as the bloom is yellow and it is supposed to be a Climbing Don Juan, which is deep red.  It's pretty though, so I'll definitely keep it, but now I need to get another CDJ, as they will be used to flank the new side garden gate when it gets built (Yet another project on the list).

Despite making innumerable rookie mistakes, I did manage to get 1 of the rose cuttings from my father-in-law's yard to root and it even rewarded me with this bloom.  Guess the next time we visit, I'll have to take the bud vials with me so I can try again.

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